
(Ph. Eur. text 4.1)

Where the name of a substance or a solution is followed by the letter R (the whole in italics), this indicates a reagent included in the following list. The specifications given for reagents do not necessarily guarantee their quality for use in medicines.

Within the description of each reagent there is a 7-digit reference code in italics (for example, 1002501). This number, which will remain unchanged for a given reagent during subsequent revisions of the list, is used for identification purposes by the Secretariat, and users of the Pharmacopoeia may also find it useful, for example in the management of reagent stocks. The description may also include a CAS number (Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number) recognisable by its typical format, for example 9002-93-1.

Some of the reagents included in the list are toxic and are to be handled in conformity with good quality control laboratory practice.

Reagents in aqueous solution are prepared using water R. Where a reagent solution is described using an expression such as ‘hydrochloric acid (10 g/L HCl)’, the solution is prepared by an appropriate dilution with water R of a more concentrated reagent solution specified in this chapter. Reagent solutions used in the limit tests for barium, calcium and sulfates are prepared using distilled water R. Where the name of the solvent is not stated, an aqueous solution is intended.

The reagents and reagent solutions are to be stored in well-closed containers. The labelling should comply with the relevant national legislation and international agreements.