Appendix VIII B. Amperometric, Potentiometric and Voltametric Titrations

Amperometric Titration

(Ph. Eur. method 2.2.19)

In an amperometric titration, the end-point is determined by following the variation of the current measured between 2 electrodes (either one indicator electrode and one reference electrode or 2 indicator electrodes) immersed in the solution to be examined and maintained at a constant potential difference as a function of the quantity of titrant added.

The potential of the measuring electrode is sufficient to ensure a diffusion current for the electroactive substance.

Apparatus The apparatus comprises an adjustable voltage source and a sensitive microammeter; the detection system generally consists of an indicator electrode (for example, a platinum electrode, a rotating-disc electrode or a carbon electrode) and a reference electrode (for example, a silver-silver chloride electrode).

A three-electrode apparatus is sometimes used, consisting of an indicator electrode, a reference electrode and a polarised auxiliary electrode.

Method Set the potential of the indicator electrode as prescribed and plot a graph of the initial current and the values obtained during the titration as functions of the quantity of titrant added. Add the titrant in not fewer than 3 successive quantities equal to a total of about 80 per cent of the theoretical volume corresponding to the presumed equivalence point. The 3 values must fall on a straight line. Continue adding the titrant beyond the presumed equivalence point in not fewer than 3 successive quantities. The values obtained must fall on a straight line. The point of intersection of the 2 lines represents the end-point of the titration.

For amperometric titrations with 2 indicator electrodes, the whole titration curve is recorded and used to determine the end-point.

Potentiometric Titration

(Ph. Eur. method 2.2.20)

In a potentiometric titration (volumetric titration with potentiometric end-point determination) the end-point is determined by recording the variation of the potential difference between 2 electrodes (either 1 indicator electrode and 1 reference electrode, or a combined electrode) immersed in the solution to be examined as a function of the volume of titrant added.

Apparatus The apparatus used comprises a millivoltmeter. Commercial autotitrator instruments may be used and are operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, using electrodes recommended for the type of titration described.

The indicator electrode to be used depends on the substance to be determined and may be a glass or metal electrode (e.g. platinum, gold or silver).

For acid-base titrations, a glass-silver-silver chloride electrode combination is generally used.

Method Prepare the sample solution as described. Add the titrant in suitable aliquots paying particular attention to the rate of addition and the volume increments near the end-point. Continue the titration beyond this point to allow a clear detection of the end-point.

The end-point of the titration is reached when the maximum change in potential occurs in a plot of potential versus volume of titrant, and is expressed as the corresponding volume of titrant. Recording the first or second derivative curve can facilitate the determination of the end-point. In potentiometric titrations of weak acids or bases using non-aqueous solvents, if necessary, either carry out a blank determination or pre-neutralise the solvent mixture. Where it is impracticable to use potentiometric detection for this purpose, the solvent mixture can be pre-neutralised by titration using a suitable indicator. Some examples are given below:

Voltametric Titrations

(Ph. Eur. method 2.2.65)

In voltametric titration the end-point of the titration is determined by following the variation of the voltage measured between 2 electrodes (either 1 indicator electrode and 1 reference electrode or 2 indicator electrodes) immersed in the solution to be examined and maintained at a constant current as a function of the quantity of titrant added.

Apparatus The apparatus comprises an adjustable current source and a voltmeter; the detection system generally consists of an indicator electrode (for example, a platinum electrode, a rotating-disc electrode or a carbon electrode) and a 2nd electrode (for example, a platinum electrode, a rotating-disc electrode or a carbon electrode).

Method Set the current to the indicator electrode as prescribed in the monograph and plot a graph of the initial voltage and the values obtained during the titration as functions of the quantity of titrant added. Add the titrant in not fewer than 3 successive quantities equal to a total of about 80 per cent of the theoretical volume corresponding to the presumed equivalence point. The 3 values must fall on a straight line. Continue adding the titrant beyond the presumed equivalence point in not fewer than 3 successive quantities. The values obtained must fall on another straight line. The point of intersection of the 2 lines represents the end-point of the titration.

Using titration systems for voltametric titration with 2 indicator electrodes, the whole titration curve is recorded and used to determine the end-point.

Determination of Primary Aromatic Amino-nitrogen

(Ph. Eur. method 2.5.8)

Dissolve the prescribed quantity of the substance to be examined in 50 mL of dilute hydrochloric acid R or in another prescribed solvent and add 3 g of potassium bromide R. Cool in ice-water and titrate by slowly adding 0.1 M sodium nitrite with constant stirring.

Determine the end-point electrometrically or by the use of the prescribed indicator.