Strong Glutaraldehyde Solution
Action and use
Used in treatment of warts.
Strong Glutaraldehyde Solution is an aqueous solution of glutaraldehyde (pentanedial). It contains not less than 47.0% and not more than 53.0% w/w of glutaraldehyde, C5H8O2.
A colourless or almost colourless solution.
Dilute 10 mL with 10 mL of carbon dioxide-free water and titrate with 0.1m sodium hydroxide VS using bromothymol blue solution R3 as indicator. Not more than 5.0 mL of 0.1m sodium hydroxide VS is required to change the colour of the solution.
Clarity and colour of solution
Dilute 1 volume with 4 volumes of water. The resulting solution is clear, Appendix IV A, and not more intensely coloured than reference solution B6, Appendix IV B, Method I.
Weight per mL
1.126 to 1.134 g, Appendix V G.
Dissolve 4 g in 100 mL of a 7% w/v solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride previously neutralised to bromophenol blue solution with 1m sodium hydroxide VS and allow to stand for 30 minutes. Add 20 mL of petroleum spirit (boiling range, 40° to 60°) and titrate with 1m sodium hydroxide VS until the colour of the aqueous phase matches that of a 7% w/v solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride previously neutralised to bromophenol blue solution with 1m sodium hydroxide VS. Each mL of 1m sodium hydroxide VS is equivalent to 50.05 mg of C5H8O2.
Strong Glutaraldehyde Solution should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 15°.