Plasma for Fractionation
Ph Eur
Liquid part of human blood remaining after separation of the cellular elements from blood collected in a receptacle containing an anticoagulant, or separated by continuous filtration or centrifugation of anticoagulated blood in an apheresis procedure; it is intended for the manufacture of plasma-derived products.
Only a carefully selected, healthy donor who, as far as can be ascertained after medical examination, laboratory blood tests and a study of the donor’s medical history, is free from detectable agents of infection transmissible by plasma-derived products may be used. Recommendations in this field are made by the Council of Europe [Recommendation No. R (95) 15 on the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components, or subsequent revision]; a directive of the European Union also deals with the matter: Commission Directive 2004/33/EC of 22 March 2004 implementing Directive 2002/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards certain technical requirements for blood and blood components.
Immunisation of donors
Immunisation of donors to obtain immunoglobulins with specific activities may be carried out when sufficient supplies of material of suitable quality cannot be obtained from naturally immunised donors. Recommendations for such immunisations are formulated by the World Health Organization (Requirements for the collection, processing and quality control of blood, blood components and plasma derivatives, WHO Technical Report Series, No. 840, 1994 or subsequent revision).
Records of donors and donations made are kept in such a way that, while maintaining the required degree of confidentiality concerning the donor’s identity, the origin of each donation in a plasma pool and the results of the corresponding acceptance procedures and laboratory tests can be traced.
Laboratory tests
Laboratory tests are carried out for each donation to detect the following viral markers:
The test methods used are of suitable sensitivity and specificity and comply with the regulations in force. If a repeat-reactive result is found in any of these tests, the donation is not accepted.
The plasma is prepared by a method that removes cells and cell debris as completely as possible. Whether prepared from whole blood or by plasmapheresis, the plasma is separated from the cells by a method designed to prevent the introduction of micro-organisms. No antibacterial or antifungal agent is added to the plasma. The containers comply with the requirements for glass containers (3.2.1) or for plastic containers for blood and blood components (3.2.3). The containers are closed so as to prevent any possibility of contamination.
If 2 or more units are pooled prior to freezing, the operations are carried out using sterile connecting devices or under aseptic conditions and using containers that have not previously been used.
When obtained by plasmapheresis or from whole blood (after separation from cellular elements), plasma intended for the recovery of proteins that are labile in plasma is frozen within 24 h of collection by cooling rapidly in conditions validated to ensure that a temperature of -25 °C or below is attained at the core of each plasma unit within 12 h of placing in the freezing apparatus.
When obtained by plasmapheresis, plasma intended solely for the recovery of proteins that are not labile in plasma is frozen by cooling rapidly in a chamber at -20 °C or below within 24 h of collection.
When obtained from whole blood, plasma intended solely for the recovery of proteins that are not labile in plasma is separated from cellular elements and frozen in a chamber at -20 °C or below within 72 h of collection.
It is not intended that the determination of total protein and human coagulation factor VIII shown below be carried out on each unit of plasma. They are rather given as guidelines for good manufacturing practice, the test for human coagulation factor VIII being relevant for plasma intended for use in the preparation of concentrates of labile proteins.
The total protein content of a unit of plasma depends on the serum protein content of the donor and the degree of dilution inherent in the donation procedure. When plasma is obtained from a suitable donor and using the intended proportion of anticoagulant solution, a total protein content complying with the limit of 50 g/L is obtained. If a volume of blood or plasma smaller than intended is collected into the anticoagulant solution, the resulting plasma is not necessarily unsuitable for pooling for fractionation. The aim of good manufacturing practice must be to achieve the prescribed limit for all normal donations.
Preservation of human coagulation factor VIII in the donation depends on the collection procedure and the subsequent handling of the blood and plasma. With good practice, 0.7 IU/mL can usually be achieved, but units of plasma with a lower activity may still be suitable for use in the production of coagulation factor concentrates. The aim of all steps taken during production of plasma is to obtain plasma of the intended quality and to conserve labile proteins as much as possible.
Total protein
Carry out the test using a pool of not fewer than 10 units. Dilute an appropriate volume of the preparation with a 9 g/L solution of sodium chloride R to obtain a solution containing about 15 mg of protein in 2 mL. To 2.0 mL of this solution in a round-bottomed centrifuge tube, add 2 mL of a 75 g/L solution of sodium molybdate R and 2 mL of a mixture of 1 volume of nitrogen-free sulfuric acid R and 30 volumes of water R. Shake, centrifuge for 5 min, decant the supernatant and allow the inverted tube to drain on filter paper. Determine the nitrogen in the residue by the method of sulfuric acid digestion (2.5.9) and calculate the protein content by multiplying the quantity of nitrogen by 6.25. The total protein content is not less than 50 g/L.
Human coagulation factor VIII (2.7.4)
Carry out the test using a pool of not fewer than 10 units. Thaw the samples to be examined, if necessary, at 37 °C. Carry out the assay using a reference plasma calibrated against the International Standard for human coagulation factor VIII in plasma. The activity is not less than 0.7 IU/mL.
Frozen plasma is stored and transported in conditions designed to maintain the temperature at or below -20 °C; for accidental reasons, the storage temperature may rise above -20 °C on one or more occasions during storage and transport but the plasma is nevertheless considered suitable for fractionation if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
During the manufacture of plasma products, the first homogeneous pool of plasma (for example, after removal of cryoprecipitate) is tested for HBsAg and for HIV antibodies using test methods of suitable sensitivity and specificity; the pool must give negative results in these tests.
The plasma pool is also tested for hepatitis C virus RNA using a validated nucleic acid amplification technique (2.6.21). A positive control with 100 IU/mL of hepatitis C virus RNA and, to test for inhibitors, an internal control prepared by addition of a suitable marker to a sample of the plasma pool are included in the test. The test is invalid if the positive control is non-reactive or if the result obtained with the internal control indicates the presence of inhibitors. The plasma pool complies with the test if it is found non-reactive for hepatitis C virus RNA.
Hepatitis C virus RNA for NAT testing BRP is suitable for use as a positive control.
Before freezing: clear or slightly turbid liquid without visible signs of haemolysis; it may vary in colour from light yellow to green.
The label enables each individual unit to be traced to a specific donor.
Ph Eur